June 15, 2010

Users Feedback and Enhancements

Filed under: News — Nicolas Crovatti

Thanks to your suggestions in our , Css-sprit.es is evolving!

#1 with 39 votes

Please sort the images and keep the output sorted

“I was generating a sprite with 25 images – then I regenerated the image because I changed some of the images (same size) – but the order of the images changes too! It retried and the order changed again – it seems I’m able to generate 3-4 different orders – seems like a timing thing.

And an other imporvement would be not to name the sprites sprite 0-x using the file name as an option would be great as well!

The important thing is that if I select 20 images they should always stay in the same order because of 2 points:
- I want to exchange one of the images and was not able to regenerate the same output again. I name the css that it integrates fine in the code. But now the order is always a little bit different.
- I have 5 icon sets in different colors. They are all the same and the same css works fine. But I cannot use the same css because the order is always different.

I’m using the following css naming: e.g. home.gif -> home_gif
And I think it would be great if you offer an additional prefix.


RESOLUTION: Sprites are now named after their original names. So we do not need to sort the output anymore. Enjoy!

#2 with 3 votes

Allow to upload more than 30 images

“The flash upload is limited to 30 files in one batch (search for “queueSizeLimit” in your JS code). I need to upload more than 60 (tiny) files. Any chance you could increase the file limit?”

RESOLUTION: queueSizeLimit changed to 200!