June 15, 2010

Users Feedback and Enhancements

Filed under: News — Nicolas Crovatti

Thanks to your suggestions in our , Css-sprit.es is evolving!

#1 with 39 votes

Please sort the images and keep the output sorted

“I was generating a sprite with 25 images – then I regenerated the image because I changed some of the images (same size) – but the order of the images changes too! It retried and the order changed again – it seems I’m able to generate 3-4 different orders – seems like a timing thing.

And an other imporvement would be not to name the sprites sprite 0-x using the file name as an option would be great as well!

The important thing is that if I select 20 images they should always stay in the same order because of 2 points:
- I want to exchange one of the images and was not able to regenerate the same output again. I name the css that it integrates fine in the code. But now the order is always a little bit different.
- I have 5 icon sets in different colors. They are all the same and the same css works fine. But I cannot use the same css because the order is always different.

I’m using the following css naming: e.g. home.gif -> home_gif
And I think it would be great if you offer an additional prefix.


RESOLUTION: Sprites are now named after their original names. So we do not need to sort the output anymore. Enjoy!

#2 with 3 votes

Allow to upload more than 30 images

“The flash upload is limited to 30 files in one batch (search for “queueSizeLimit” in your JS code). I need to upload more than 60 (tiny) files. Any chance you could increase the file limit?”

RESOLUTION: queueSizeLimit changed to 200!


  1. Custom Sprite Upload:
    Doesn’t give HTML code.

    Standard Upload:
    Upload errors in IE8 and then stops functioning

    Comment by Json — June 29, 2010 @ 09:54
  2. Thank you for reporting. However, IE8 is not supported. Please, see the Disclaimer section.

    Comment by Nicolas Crovatti — June 29, 2010 @ 10:09
  3. Thanks very much for the useful code, saves quite a bit of effort!

    I’ve found a bug in use, that sometimes the image sizes for two images are swapped round. I had these files:
    - shared_green_20.png which is 20px x 20px
    - shared_green.png which is 30px x 30px
    but the CSS generated had width/height=20px for the larger one, and 30px for the smaller one. I think the position property was wrong too, so it seems that the filenames aren’t being stored correctly in an array somewhere?
    Also, it would be great if the images are sorted by filename, so they don’t keep moving around each time you generate.

    thanks again!

    Comment by Claude Schneider — October 8, 2010 @ 16:50
  4. Please output: 0;
    Instead of: -0px;

    Comment by Santa — October 16, 2010 @ 15:16
  5. Great tool, but sadly this issue still isnt resolved.

    I upload 20 16*16 pngs using the Flash upload tool.

    Whilst the CSS and Html list the files in alphabetical order, the Image Preview and the resulting Sprite image shows the images in a random order. This changes each time I upload.

    This means the css offsets are all pointing at the wrong sprite

    Comment by Carpii — November 15, 2010 @ 15:03
  6. Thanks very much for the useful tool. This save my a lot of time!
    I like it!

    Comment by Uwe — April 25, 2011 @ 17:59
  7. Found a bug:

    I uploaded a bunch of images with this format: emoticon-NAME.jpg. Example: emoticon-drunk.jpg emoticon-drink.jpg.

    All of them were correctly mapped in the stylesheet EXCEPT drunk and drink. The resulting image had drunk first, followed by drink.

    The STYLESHEET however looked like this:
    div.ss.drink {background-position:-380px 0}
    div.ss.drunk {background-position:-399px 0}

    So drink was pointing to drunk and drunk was pointing to drink. It’s some sort of sorting order problem in the script on this site.

    Thanks anyway for the amazing script. I corrected this manually.

    Comment by Chris White — August 7, 2011 @ 02:25
  8. Any plans on updating CSS-Sprit.es? As useful as it is, there are a few nasty bugs reported.

    Comment by Felix — October 14, 2011 @ 11:35
  9. @Felix, Actually I have plans to rewrite most of the project using Node.js. It’s something I really wish to do but I’m in a lack time for personal projects :(

    Comment by Nicolas Crovatti — October 14, 2011 @ 11:49

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